Advanced Career Skills for the Radio Industry

Advanced Career Skills for the Radio Industry

Welcome to the comprehensive course designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the radio industry. Gain practical experience and develop critical workplace competencies that pave the way for successful careers in the dynamic world of radio.

Workplace Skills Development

Lay a solid foundation for your career with essential workplace skills.

  • Define Terms: Learn and accurately use relevant terminology.
  • Basic Interpersonal Skills: Reinforce skills crucial for workplace success.
  • Professional Behaviors: Timeliness, regular attendance, appropriate dress, personal and workplace cleanliness, work ethics, communication, leadership, and teamwork.

Effective Communication

Master various communication skills necessary for professional growth.

  • Define Terms: Correctly use communication and industry-specific terms in context.
  • Listening Skills: Demonstrate effective listening techniques.
  • Writing Skills: Develop and hone your writing skills for professional settings.
  • Speaking Skills: Gain confidence and effectiveness in verbal communication.
  • Reading Skills: Improve your ability to understand and interpret written information.

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution

Develop techniques to effectively manage and resolve workplace challenges.

  • Problem Solving: Learn and discuss key techniques for tackling problems.
  • Conflict Resolution: Implement strategies to resolve conflicts professionally.

Radio Industry Essentials

Identify and utilize systems and processes relevant to the radio industry.

  • Systems Identification: Recognize and operate industry-specific systems.
  • Chain of Command: Understand the importance of recognizing and following the chain of command.
  • Authority Recognition: Demonstrate the ability to respect and acknowledge authority within the workplace.

Information Gathering and Evaluation

Master the process of gathering, judging quality, and ethically using information.

  • Information Criteria: Develop and utilize criteria to judge the quality of information.
  • Ethical Use: Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices in using gathered information.

Job Evaluations

Understand, develop, and perform job evaluations critical for career advancement.

  • Purpose and Components: Discuss the purpose and key components of job evaluations.
  • Job Duties Identification: Identify major duties within various radio areas.
  • Evaluation Instruments: Develop defendable job evaluation instruments based on industry standards.

Teamwork and Team Assignments

Learn the dynamics of effective teamwork and successfully complete team assignments.

  • Team Goals: Set and achieve team goals, and analyze their effectiveness.
  • Job Responsibilities and Timelines: Establish individual job responsibilities and project timelines.
  • Budget and Supplies: Compile necessary resources and materials for team projects.
  • Team Effectiveness: Use evaluation instruments to assess individual and team performance.

Career Portfolio Development

Create a professional career portfolio showcasing your skills and achievements.

  • Resume and Cover Letter: Develop a compelling personal resume and cover letter.
  • Work Samples: Collect and organize samples of your work.
  • References and Certifications: Assemble references, letters of recommendation, and documentation of certifications, honors, and awards.

Resource Management

Effectively manage resources to achieve project goals and maintain organizational efficiency.

  • Project Resources: Identify resources needed for specific projects.
  • Time Management: Understand and apply turnaround/time management techniques.
  • Proper Disposal: Demonstrate proper disposal and recycling techniques.
  • Vendor Relations: Discuss strategies for maintaining good relations with vendors.

Specialized Skills in Advanced Radio Practices


  • Terminology: Use and apply radio terms appropriately.
  • Ethics: Discuss and demonstrate ethics in programming.
  • Music Research: Conduct and interpret music research and audience ratings.
  • Radio Formats: Discuss criteria for music selection and playlist rotation.
  • Traffic Coordination: Explain the interaction between traffic and programming.

Advanced Announcing

  • Terminology: Use announcing terms in context.
  • Announcing Styles: Discuss and demonstrate various radio announcing styles and techniques.
  • On-Air Skills: Develop show prep, ad-lib, perform interviews, and complete an on-air radio show.
  • Play by Play: Perform play by play for various sports.


  • Ethics: Identify and apply ethics in radio advertising.
  • Broadcast Advertising: Summarize roles of advertising personnel, trade accounts, and agencies.
  • Demographics: Gather and use demographic data to create advertisements.
  • Copy Points: Learn methods for obtaining and composing copy points.

Promotions and Radio Contests

  • Ethics: Identify ethics in promotions and contests.
  • On-Air Promotions: Compare, contrast, and develop on-air promotions and contests with equipment checks.
  • Remote Promotions: Discuss and set up remote promotions.

Advanced News Writing

  • Terminology: Use news writing terms in context.
  • Ethics: Demonstrate ethics in news writing.
  • News Gathering: Add actualities and create newscasts.

Advanced Audio Production

  • Volume Adjustment: Learn and adjust audio volume.
  • Multi-Tracking: Modify tracks using various audio elements and integrate them into recordings.
  • Field Production: Demonstrate proper use and techniques of field equipment.
  • Digital Editing: Identify components and apply volume levels in multi-track digital editing stations.
  • Podcasting: Create podcasts, including news shows and play by plays, integrating music and effects.

Operational Practices

  • EAS Tests: Discuss and conduct Emergency Alert System (EAS) tests.
  • Transmitter Readings: Take and record meter readings.
  • FCC Requirements: Identify and discuss requirements regarding tower lighting and painting.