Course Description: Exploring Language and Culture

Exploring Language and Culture: A Deep Dive into Punjabi Language and Identity

Course Overview:

Welcome to our comprehensive course that delves into the rich world of Punjabi language and culture. Through a series of engaging lessons and activities, you will explore how language and culture intertwine to shape our identities, perspectives, and voices.

Course Competencies:

Big Ideas:

  • Listening and viewing with intent to acquire a new language
  • Understanding the interconnectedness between language and culture
  • Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression for a better understanding of cultural identity
  • Developing proficiency in Punjabi for various opportunities in careers, travel, and personal growth

Curricular Competencies:

  • Recognizing how word choice affects meaning
  • Engaging with Punjabi communities to broaden perspectives
  • Analyzing personal and shared experiences through a cultural lens
  • Identifying educational and career opportunities requiring Punjabi proficiency

Content Learning Standards:

  • Mastering complex vocabulary, sentence structures, and expressions
  • Exploring First Peoples perspectives on language and culture
  • Understanding language formality, etiquette, and historical influences on Punjabi culture
  • Appreciating Punjabi works of art and contributions to Canadian society

Course Benefits:

By enrolling in this course, you will:

  • Enhance your language skills and cultural awareness
  • Gain insights into Punjabi heritage and traditions
  • Develop a deeper understanding of diverse cultural perspectives
  • Explore career and personal growth opportunities through language proficiency

Who Should Take This Course:

This course is ideal for individuals interested in language learning, cultural studies, and expanding their global perspectives. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply curious about Punjabi language and culture, this course offers a valuable educational experience.

Join us on a journey of discovery and learning!