Japanese Language and Cultural Proficiency Course

Japanese Language and Cultural Proficiency Course

About the Course:

Welcome to the Japanese Language and Cultural Proficiency Course! This comprehensive course is designed to help you enhance your language skills and deepen your understanding of Japanese culture. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your existing language abilities, this course offers a diverse range of competencies to meet your learning needs.

Course Competencies:

Big Ideas:

  • Language learning is a lifelong process.
  • Sharing feelings, opinions, and beliefs in a new language contributes to identity.
  • Increased language proficiency allows for nuanced discussions and justifications.
  • Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression promotes global understanding.
  • Proficiency in a new language enables exploration of global issues.

Curricular Competencies:

  • Negotiate meaning and perspectives in various contexts.
  • Express yourself fluently and accurately, both orally and in writing.
  • Recognize and appreciate regional and ethnic diversity of Japanese language and culture.
  • Engage with Japanese communities and analyze experiences through a cultural lens.
  • Identify educational and personal/professional opportunities requiring Japanese proficiency.
  • Recognize diverse perspectives and cultural knowledge.

Content Learning Standards:

  • Understand histories and worldviews of indigenous peoples of Japan.
  • Explore Japanese-related resources and services.
  • Acquire knowledge of kanji, Japanese works of art, and major regional dialects.
  • Learn complex vocabulary, sentence structures, and expressions related to various topics.
  • Understand language formality, etiquette, and cultural ethics.
  • Connect language and culture through the perspectives of First Peoples.

Course Benefits:

By enrolling in this course, you will not only improve your Japanese language skills but also gain a deeper insight into the rich cultural heritage of Japan. Through interactive learning activities and engaging resources, you will develop the proficiency to communicate effectively and navigate diverse cultural contexts with confidence.

Join us on this exciting journey to discover the beauty of the Japanese language and culture!