ASL II Course Description

ASL II: Advanced American Sign Language Course

Course Overview:

Welcome to ASL II, an advanced American Sign Language course designed to enhance your communication skills and deepen your understanding of Deaf culture. This course builds on the foundational knowledge acquired in ASL I and focuses on developing proficiency in various aspects of ASL communication, interpretation, and cultural awareness.

Course Competencies:

  • Interpretive Skills:
    • Interpret aural, written, and visual messages
    • Summarize information from authentic materials
    • Make inferences from visual and textual sources
  • Interactive Skills:
    • Initiate conversations and collaborations
    • Engage in dialogue on familiar and unfamiliar topics
    • Use conversational strategies for increased understanding
  • Presentational Skills:
    • Present information effectively in ASL
    • Describe characters, events, and settings using classifiers
    • Give short presentations on various topics
  • Cultural Understanding:
    • Investigate practices, products, and perspectives of Deaf culture
    • Discuss global influences and cultural perspectives
    • Research major institutions and historical figures in Deaf history
  • Language Connections:
    • Apply ASL to reinforce knowledge in other subject areas
    • Recognize similarities and differences between languages
    • Discuss cultural and linguistic relationships
  • Professional Development:
    • Explore career pathways involving ASL
    • Examine the role of ASL in personal and professional settings
    • Compare communication strategies with speakers of ASL

Course Benefits:

By enrolling in ASL II, you will:

  • Enhance your ASL communication skills
  • Deepen your cultural awareness and appreciation
  • Develop proficiency in interpreting and presenting information in ASL
  • Expand your career opportunities by incorporating ASL into various fields

Join us on this enriching journey to master advanced American Sign Language and broaden your horizons in the Deaf community and beyond!