Spanish Language and Culture Course

Welcome to Our Spanish Language and Culture Course!

Course Overview:

Our online course is designed to help you deepen your understanding of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Through a series of engaging lessons and activities, you will explore how language, culture, and identity are interconnected.

Course Competencies:

Big Ideas:

  • Listening and viewing with intent in language acquisition
  • Understanding the interconnection between language and culture
  • Exploring different forms of cultural expression
  • Realizing the opportunities provided by language proficiency

Curricular Competencies:

  • Deriving meaning in speech and texts
  • Recognizing cultural perspectives in texts
  • Demonstrating formality in speech and writing
  • Engaging in storytelling and personal responses to texts
  • Exchanging ideas and information effectively
  • Expressing oneself fluently in both oral and written forms

Content Learning Standards:

  • Expanding vocabulary, sentence structures, and expressions
  • Exploring First Peoples perspectives in language and culture
  • Understanding past, present, and future time frames
  • Learning language formality and etiquette
  • Identifying regional dialects and cultural works of art
  • Discussing ethics of cultural appropriation and plagiarism

Course Benefits:

By the end of this course, you will be able to communicate effectively in Spanish, appreciate Hispanic culture, and recognize diverse perspectives. These skills will not only enhance your personal growth but also open up new career opportunities, facilitate travel experiences, and enable further study abroad.

Join us today and embark on a journey of language and cultural exploration!