Introduction to Agricultural Power Systems
Education Level: 12 | Subject: Career Education
This comprehensive course provides an in-depth understanding of agricultural power systems, covering essential terminology, safety considerations, industry applications, and practical skills. It is designed for high school students seeking a career in agricultural mechanics and power systems.
Course Competencies:
Introduction to Agricultural Power Systems
Understand the fundamentals and significance of agricultural power systems in modern agriculture.
Define Terminology
- 1.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
Importance of Agricultural Power Systems
- Examine the importance of agricultural power systems
- 1.2.1: List uses of agricultural power in agronomic crops production and ground maintenance
- 1.2.2: List uses of power systems in horticulture, including ground maintenance
- 1.2.3: List uses of power systems in forestry and natural resources management
- 1.2.4: List types of agricultural machinery based on function
- 1.2.5: List kinds of tractors based on wheels, fuel, design, and hitch
Historical Development
- S2626512: Discuss major historical events in the emergence of modern agricultural power systems
- 1.3.1: List major agricultural mechanization inventions
- 1.3.2: Research an inventor of agricultural power and/or machinery and prepare a short report
Safety Considerations in Agricultural Power
Learn the importance of safety in agricultural power work and how to minimize risks.
- Define Terminology
- 2.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning and importance of safety in agricultural power work
- 2.2.1: Explain the meaning and importance of safety
- 2.2.2: Draw and explain the accident interaction triangle
- 2.2.3: Identify hazards associated with agricultural power
- 2.2.4: Demonstrate proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Discuss classes of fire and types of extinguishers
- 2.4.1: List and explain classes of fires
- 2.4.2: List the types of fire extinguishers and explain their use
Agricultural Power Industry and Careers
Explore opportunities in agricultural power and understand the educational and skill requirements for various careers.
- Define Terminology
- 3.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss employment opportunities in agricultural power
- 3.2.1: List examples of occupations in agricultural power
- 3.2.2: List local jobs and employers in agricultural power
- 3.2.3: Observe (job shadow) an agricultural power mechanic or technician and prepare a report
- Describe education and experience preparation for agricultural power careers
- 3.3.1: List education and skill preparation needed for entering and advancing in an agricultural power career
- 3.3.2: Identify personal attributes for success in agricultural power careers
Tools, Equipment, and Fasteners Used in Agricultural Power
Gain practical skills in identifying and using common tools, equipment, and fasteners in agricultural power work.
- Define Terminology
- 4.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss tool and equipment needs for agricultural power
- 4.2.1: List and identify common tools and equipment used in agricultural power work
- 4.2.2: Demonstrate proper use of common tools and equipment used in agricultural power work
- Describe tool and equipment care
- 4.3.1: List practices that help maintain good tool condition
- 4.3.2: Demonstrate proper tool and equipment storage
Principles of Power and Engine Operation
Understand the scientific principles underpinning engine operation and efficiency.
- Define Terminology
- 5.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning and importance of appropriate physical science concepts
- 5.2.1: Demonstrate the calculations of important concepts associated with engine efficiency
- Discuss efficiency of internal combustion engines
Small Engines
- Define Terminology
- 6.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Identify features and uses of small engines
- 6.2.1: Explain the meaning and sizes of small engines
- Discuss small engine components, systems, and functions
- Describe preventive maintenance service for small engines
- Discuss the use of troubleshooting to diagnose small engine problems
Fuel Systems
- Define Terminology
- 7.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Describe the function and components of fuel systems
- Discuss the operation of fuel systems
Engine Lubrication Systems
- Define Terminology
- 8.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning and roles of the lubrication system in an engine
- Discuss servicing the lubrication system of an engine
Cooling Systems
- Define Terminology
- 9.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning and functions of the cooling system
- Discuss servicing liquid cooling systems
Electrical Systems
- Define Terminology
- 10.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning and functions of the electrical system of an engine
- Describe service practices on electrical systems
Transmission Systems
- Define Terminology
- 11.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss the meaning, components, and functions of a power train
- Describe service practices with transmissions
Define Terminology
- 12.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
Discuss Troubleshooting
- 12.2.1: Explain the importance of troubleshooting in identifying engine problems
- 12.3.1: Identify troubleshooting steps for various engine issues
Machinery Management
- Define Terminology
- 13.1.1: Prepare a list of terms with definitions
- Discuss tractor and machinery cost
- Identify the costs associated with agricultural machinery
- Explain the role of tractor and machinery management in cost