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axial position

location in a trigonal bipyramidal geometry in which there is another atom at a 180° angle and the equatorial positions are at a 90° angle


bond angle

angle between any two covalent bonds that share a common atom

bond dipole moment

separation of charge in a bond that depends on the difference in electronegativity and the bond distance represented by partial charges or a vector

bond distance

distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms

bond energy

energy required to break a covalent bond in a gaseous substance

bond length

distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms at which the lowest potential energy is achieved

Born-Haber cycle

thermochemical cycle relating the various energetic steps involved in the formation of an ionic solid from the relevant elements


covalent bond

bond formed when electrons are shared between atoms


dipole moment

property of a molecule that describes the separation of charge determined by the sum of the individual bond moments based on the molecular structure

double bond

covalent bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms

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